Constitutional Law, Regional Autonomy, Regional RegulationsAbstract
The process of implementing regional autonomy involves various institutions such as the Regional Government, the Central Government, the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia, and the Regional Autonomy Advisory Council. If in the process of implementing regional autonomy, it is known that the Region or several Regions are unable to organize Regional Autonomy, then a Regional Merger is carried out based on the agreement of the region concerned or the results of an evaluation from the Central Government.
A. Books
Agus Dwiyanto, Realizing Good Governance Through Public Services, Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta, 2008.
Candra Fajri Ananda, Regional Economic Development: Development Dynamics and Strategies, UB Press, Malang.
H.A.S. Moenir, Public Service Management in Indonesia, PT Bumi Aksara, Jakarta, 2008.
Hadi Sumarsono, Nasikh, and Siti Muslikah, Indegenous Economic Development Area, Gunung Samudera, Malang, 2017.
Hanif Nurcholis, Theory and Practice of Government and Regional Autonomy, PT Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia, Jakarta, 2007.
Hendra Karianga, Carut-Marut of Regional Financial Management in the Era of Regional Autonomy: A Legal and Political Perspective, Kencana, Jakarta, 2017.
Hessel Nogi S. Tangkilisan, Public Management, PT Gramedia Widiasarana, Jakarta, 2005.
Academic Manuscript of the Draft Law on theLocal Government, Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.
The Team of the Directorate of Facilitation of Regional Regulation Design, Directorate General of Laws and Regulations of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights R.I. in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through the Enhancing Communications, Advocacy and Public Participation Capacity for Legal Reforms (CAPPLER Project) Project, 2008. Practical Guide to Understanding Regional Regulation Design, CAPPLER Project, Jakarta.
B. Laws and Regulations
Law Number 9 of 2015 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government.
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