PENANOMICS: International Journal of Economics 2025-02-09T13:50:33+00:00 Raden Rudi Alhempi Open Journal Systems <p><strong>PENANOMICS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>(ISSN: 2829-601X)</strong></a> published every three months <strong>(April, August, December)</strong> is a peer-reviewed journal in the fields of Economics and Business and Social Sciences and their applications. Specifically, the journal covers topics in Economics, Business, Accounting and Finance, Social Sciences, Economic and Business Modeling, Public Administration, and Business Administration.</p> <p><strong>PENANOMICS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS</strong> publishes contributions in the form of review articles, original research articles, brief communications, technical notes, and letters to editors.</p> THE ROLE MEDIATION INNOVATION-BASED PUBLIC SERVICES: ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE TOWARD EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE 2025-02-09T13:50:33+00:00 Zhelika Nurul Putri Agus Seswandi Bambang Supeno <p>Organizational culture plays a very important role in shaping the identity and excellence of an<br>organization, both in the public and private sectors. An organizational culture that supports<br>openness, collaboration, and risk-taking can accelerate the innovation process and enable<br>organizations to be more adaptive to change and create new products and services that meet the<br>needs of society; a strong culture that is aligned with organizational strategy can improve employee<br>performance. This study aims to examine the mediating role of innovation-based public services:<br>organizational culture and employee performance of the Siak Regency Regional Secretariat. This<br>study uses a quantitative method by distributing questionnaires via Google Forms to 100 people.<br>Data is processed using SmartPLS 3.2.9 software. The data analysis method uses structural equation<br>modeling-partial least square (SEM-PLS). The results of the study indicate that organizational<br>culture has a positive and significant effect on innovation-based public services, and innovationbased public services has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Organizational<br>culture has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Innovation-based public<br>services is able to mediate the influence between organizational culture and employee performance.<br>In conclusion, the influence between organizational culture, innovation-based public services, and<br>employee performance is still growing. By understanding the mechanisms underlying this<br>relationship, the Siak Regency Regional Secretariat can design more effective service programs to<br>improve employee innovation and performance</p> 2025-02-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Zhelika Nurul Putri, Agus Seswandi, Bambang Supeno